
I loved to write when I was in school, but like a lot of things from those days it was left behind when I reached the adult world. Story ideas never stopped coming though and I would often work them out in my head. Then I discovered The Sims and I finally had an outlet. Flash forward to February 2022 and I joined the official Sims forum. There I found a friend who urged me to start writing again and to share those stories there on the forum. I took the plunge hoping people would enjoy my stories but I never expected the reception they received.

My first venture into SimLit, a little story I call Under The Tartosan Sun, was the birthplace for this one. Rayvn Nash and Judith Ward were supposed to be a part of that story but as I fleshed out their storylines I knew they needed their own story separate from that one. This story started out on the forum as well, but it quickly became obvious that it had outgrown the ‘T’ rating that stories on the forum must follow. Now it has a home where I can let the characters and storylines have the freedom they need to be told in the way they deserve. As I start this blog I’m bringing the chapters that were originally released on the forum over and giving them some edits to make them more like they would have been if they had been released here instead.

Schemes and Dreams follows an outlandish cast of characters as they navigate the world of Del Sol Valley, a Sims version of Los Angeles. All of them are in search of fame and fortune or getting more, if they already happen to be rich and famous. The cast is an eclectic mix of stars, superstars, and wannabes, actresses, singers, standup comics, models, and drag queens. As if that wasn’t enough there are some vampires thrown in to give it a little spice. As you can see, like The Sims itself, this story is meant to be sort of silly while being a bit dramatic too. One of the themes that crosses both of my stories is strong female characters and positive, supportive female friendships. This story is female centric and there are feuds, squabbles, and I’m sure at some point a few catfights, but those twin themes are still a major part of the story.

I hope you enjoy the story and feel that it was time well spent.